20 Interview Tips to Land You the Job

Job Interview Tips

Job interviews are considered one of the most nerve-racking experiences in our lives, yet to successfully bag yourself a new job, they are a necessary evil. It’s understandable to feel the pressure before your big day, especially if it’s a job that will better your career and lifestyle. If it’s your first interview or if you haven’t had one in a while, you may be wondering where to begin and how to prepare.

Fear not, we have the top tips and tricks listed below to help you to ace your interview.

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1. Be on time

This means arriving 10 minutes early; it will show great time-management skills. If you arrive too early, you will appear too keen and will also rudely interrupt your interviewer’s busy schedule. After all, you were given a specific time for a reason.

2. Stay calm

Try to keep your nerves at bay. ‘Most people can overcome interview nerves by adopting some simple breathing and mindfulness techniques before and during the interview,’ adds Lisa LaRue, career coach at CareerWorx. ‘One tip is to go into a quiet room and practice slow, deep breathing before you go in. When we are anxious, blood flows away from our brains, so this technique will bring the oxygen back to your head and help you to think clearly.’

3. Ask for water

Your mouth is so dry, you’ve not been asked if you would like a drink and all you can think about is how nice a sip of water would be right now. Don’t be shy to ask for some, it will show that you’re confident enough to ask for what you want and you’ll be thankful later on when you need a minute to pause and form your answer.

4. Show your smile

Smiling throughout your interview is so important; it shows that you’re friendly, down-to-earth, and sociable and will also release endorphins that will relax your mind. Leave the resting-bitch-face at home!

5. Explain résumé gaps

If you have gaps in your résumé, make sure you explain the reason for this. You may have decided to go traveling or something personal may have happened. Just ensure that the gaps are reasonable and logical – you don’t want to appear lazy.

6. Tie your answers back to your experience

With any interview question, it's important to tie your answers back to your expeirence; use an example from past positions to show why you're suitable for the job. For example, if the interviewer asks about your strengths, explain a situation where your skill helped your team during a difficult time. 

7. Remain neutral

During the interview, you may find that you know people from the same network. If a bad comment is made, ensure that you remain impartial. The same goes for questions about your previous employer – never paint them in a bad light.

8. Be body aware

Being relaxed and holding good posture is important when you are being interviewed. If you practice sitting with your back straight and your shoulders rolled back, throughout time this will come naturally to you and you won’t need to stress about the way that you’re sat.

9. Use STAR techniques

To define the STAR technique; explain the situation you were in, the task in front of you, the action you took and the result of your action. This will help you formulate killer answers in order for you to smash the interview and land the job.  

10. Remain respectful

This is a no brainer but is an important point that many forget. Be respectful to anyone you encounter from the minute you walk through the doors, from the cleaner, the receptionist through to the CEO of the company. Everyone should be treated as equal.

11. Show your enthusiasm

Don’t let the nerves hide how enthusiastic you really are about the job. You are not ‘too cool’ to show your true feelings either. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point so express how much you really want it.

12. If you don’t feel it, fake it!

Some of us just really suck at interviews; even with the breathing techniques and the intense preparation, the nerves will still find a way of creeping through. So what do you do? Fake it until you make it! Many artists have an alter-ego to become more confident on stage, so channel your inner Beyoncé and become Sasha Fierce!

13. Keep eye-contact

Failing to make eye contact will show that you’re trying to hide something, or that you lack confidence and feel you are beneath the employers and not worthy of the job. Either way, it’s not great, so lift your head up high and keep eye contact with all the people in the room.

14. Always acknowledge

Naturally, the interviewer will probably be doing a large amount of the talking. This doesn’t mean that you should sit back and stare blankly into space. Remain engaged and give a little nod here and there to show that you’re acknowledging them. Obviously, don’t make it creepy, you don’t want to be looking like one of those nodding dogs.

15. Don't forget to ask your own questions

An interview is a two-way street; it's a chance for you to get an understanding of the company, it's culture and determine whether you can see yourself progressing within the role. So, don't forget to prepare a list of your own questions that you can ask towards the end of your interview.

16. End positively

When the interview is approaching an end try to conclude on a positive note. This could be as simple as saying something like, “I look forward to hearing from you”, or “it was a pleasure to meet you”.

17. Don't ask for feedback during your interview

Some interviewees mess up by asking for feedback as their interview is coming to a close. This awkward and puts the interviewer in an uncomfortable position. I know you're eager to find out how you did, but only ask for feedback if you're unsuccessful after the interview process has finished. 

18. Follow up

If you feel things went well, don’t be afraid to send an email the following day thanking them for their time. This may boost your chances at getting the job.

19. Had a bad interview? Don’t dwell on it

If you feel the interview went extremely bad, don’t beat yourself up about it. Ask for some feedback and use those tips to improve on the next one. Don’t forget that everything happens for a reason, and practice only makes perfect!

20. Be honest

It’s best to turn a job down if you don’t think you’re a right fit for the job. You can explain this to the interviewer; they will respect your honesty and may keep you on record for potential future opportunities that may be a better fit for you.


Doing your homework on the company and brushing up on your communication skills to answer questions confidently is key. Taking the time to polish up on your interview skills will help you leave a good impression and get hired.

Do you have any other interview tips that have helped you in your job search? Join the conversation down below and share your thoughts and experiences with us!