Job Searching Tips: Interview with Andy Agouridis

Looking for a job? These job searching tips will help you land your next role.

Job search tips with Andy Agouridis

The global pandemic caused a shift in the way people work; many companies moved to a remote force, while some shut down completely. But now that the world is returning to some form of normality, we’ve also seen an increase in employee demand.

So, to help you make the best of your time and search for a new job more efficiently, we caught up with Andy Agouridis, founder and CEO of Career Higher, to get some insightful tips.

To begin, Agouridis advises that, when setting out on your job search, you should set focus-processed goals. For example, reaching out to a specific number of people, or completing a certain number of applications. He then says that you should celebrate achievements such as securing an interview and take plenty of breaks when you are feeling deflated.

Agouridis suggests taking the leap and applying for a job only if it really aligns with your goals. You can do this by diversifying and pursuing different activities that will help you stand out from the crowd.

In terms of leveraging your existing network, Agouridis advices to maintain and build your network so you can find new opportunities and earn potential referrals. Industry events are also a great way to meet recruiters and professionals who can help you reach your career goals.

As far as your LinkedIn profile goes, it is just as important, if not more important, than your physical résumé. Agouridis notes that you should only include information that is relatable to your target role and audience. Targeted keywords make you more discoverable, so when hiring managers are looking for candidates, you will appear higher up in search results. He advises to join relevant groups and also engage with professionals who are influential in your line of work. This will expose you to people you can connect with and learn more from.

To gain more insightful information on how to improve your job search and land a new position, make sure to watch the full video interview.

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