Post-COVID Workplace Policies: Interview with Mac Prichard

What does the future of workplace policies look like after COVID-19? We spoke to Mac Prichard to find out.

Cover image of Mac Prichard

As employees across the globe start to return to the office, many are left feeling anxious about what they’ll face. In this interview with Mac Prichard, a communications strategist and career expert, and the founder of Mac’s List, we discuss post-COVID workplace policies and how employers should handle a new hybrid or remote situation.

Based on a recent survey of public healthcare workers in the UK, mental health-related leave has risen by a staggering 40% — an unsurprising find, considering that we spent nearly two years in isolation as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A solution, Mac suggests, is that companies invest in employee wellness programmes that provide mental health services. He advises that, in the long run, it will also reduce costs as staff members will feel less burnt out. The key is to create a work environment that supports employees in general.

Many people are anxious about returning to the office. Here, Mac suggests that you look into your company’s policies and requirements on returning to the office, in terms of COVID testing, wearing masks and social distancing. The most important thing is to talk to your manager and express your concerns. If you want to work remotely, show proof of your productivity and work.

Performance matters more than location, and Mac discusses how good employers are identifying that. If employees feel more comfortable working remotely, then they should be allowed to do so, as it will decrease turnover and help people become more successful.

Mac continues by talking about employee trust — he isn’t a fan of employee monitoring software and explains that results matter more than activity. If an employee is delivering the best results, then why should they be penalised if they didn’t work their full hours?!

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